Opening Scene
Pugh Cabin at Malabar Farm State Park
Take a leisurely walk through the Doris Duke Woods located on the grounds of Malabar Farm State Park. The 1 mile loop trail heads back to Pugh Cabin built in 1940 by Louis Bromfield’s friend and neighbor Jim Pugh. The trail is named after Doris Duke, the tobacco heiress who, after Bromfield’s death in 1956, purchased the timber rights for this woodlot. This authentic log home features two enormous fireplaces fashioned from native sandstone, as well as two ornate chandeliers which once graced a bank in Mansfield.
Directions leaving Malabar Farm Visitor Center:
Leave Visitor Center, right onto Bromfield Road. Pass pond on left and turn left at next dirt road. Follow dirt road back to Pugh Cabin, on right at the top of the hill. Distance from Visitors Center: .4 miles.
Pugh Cabin at Malabar Farm State Park
4050 Bromfield Rd., Lucas, OH 44843
(419) 892-2784
Hours/no cost
Please check in at Visitor Center at Malabar Farm before driving to Pugh Cabin

Shawshank Trail Fun Fact
In the opening scenes of The Shawshank Redemption, Andy Dufresne is sitting in his car, drinking, and handling a revolver the night that he caught his wife cheating on him. He is later convicted of two life sentences for the murder of his wife and her lover.